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What To Do If You Chipped a Tooth Dentist Dentists

There may be more to it than the basics of treatment. The dentist, for instance, could have to extract your tooth , and replace it with another option designed to keep your mouth as strong as it can be. Dental professionals will not take this task lightly. They'll ensure your mouth remains healthy. It is a process that includes: Choose a Solution - Once all other care options have been thoroughly considered by your dentist, they may end up deciding to extract your tooth. Although it is not an ideal solution, this is more effective than having a chipped tooth cause infection in your mouth. Remove the tooth: If the tooth needs to be taken out due to fractures, your dentist will determine the issue and provide several options to ease pain. In the end, they'll cut it out of your mouth , or pull the tooth out, according to the severity of the problem as well as the possibility that the tooth will break in your mouth. Have your dentures fitted - Once your dentist has analyzed the entire range of fractures and has removed the problematic tooth, they will fit you with dentures to protect your oral health. In some cases the procedure may involve removing multiple teeth or might only need a bridge or an implant to fix properly. The majority of times it is possible avoid having surgery if receive immediate dental attention and deal with this issue as fast as possible. But, there's a possibility that you'll end up needing surgery if this situation gets worse as a result of not taking action or even if it was not severe enough initially. What can a Dentist do in the event of a chipped Tooth? Get Rid of the Pain It is evident that the answer to the question "what is a dentist able to do in the event of a tooth chip?" There are numerous options. You have many options. Each one has its own benefits.